Johnny Depp is a name known by almost everyone in the world, especially due to his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of The Caribbean movie franchise and Edward Scissorhands. However, some time back, he was canceled due to allegations of abuse made by his ex-wife, Amber Heard.
Due to the accusations, Depp was removed from the Pirates of The Caribbean and Fantastic Beasts movie franchise and was not being offered any roles in other movies as such either. This went on for a while until recently, Depp filed a defamation case against Amber Heard. The hearing lasted for a few weeks, and the result came out in Johnny Depp’s favor.
When the news of him winning the case came out, everyone started to wonder whether Depp would return back to doing movies or not. The recent rumor that’s been going around is that Depp will be a cast member in the sequel of the most awaited movie, Beetlejuice.
Beetlejuice is a horror-comedy movie in which the plot revolved around a deceased couple that haunted the house they used to live in. The movie came out in 1988 and was directed by one of the most famous directors, Tim Burton, and ended up receiving a lot of positive responses. In addition, its cast included of famous actors and actresses, including Winona Ryder, Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, and more. Hopefully, we’ll get to see Johnny Depp in part two of the movie, as he’ll be a great addition.
The sequel of Beetlejuice has been in consideration for ages, and there have been multiple attempts to revive it, but unfortunately, none succeeded. Jonathan Gems, the writer for the sequel, which was titled “Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian,” was in the works in 1990 but failed to materialize. However, now things look much better for the sequel to come out as the original cast members have agreed to return to the project.
The question of whether Depp will be in the movie or not is not truly known yet, but his name is seen in the list of cast members in Google’s search. This has got the fans super excited as they believe it’ll be the stars’ comeback after being on the down low for so long. Although the IMDb for Beetlejuice does not show any name of Johnny Depp yet, it’s speculated that due to his and Tim Burton’s history of successful movies together, it’s a high possibility that Depp will make a cameo in it.
Depp’s past movies have constantly shown that he’s a versatile actor who can completely own the role he’s supposed to play. So, it’s no doubt that Burton sees his potential and will want him to play in the Beetlejuice 2, which according to IMDb, will come out in 2025. The movie hasn’t been officially announced yet, but a synopsis is available, which tells the probable storyline.
It will be interesting and exciting to see Johnny in a movie after everything he’s been through alongside other actors from the original movie, including his ex Winona Ryder who’s on good terms with him as she also supported him during his trial.